Fuer dei,die english lesen koennen, hier mal die Erklaerung was ein Thaikik ist
The Thai word *** (or Gek, Geek or Gik) is a fairly new slang word for when a girl or guy has a friend on the side. Its similar to a friend with benefits. This relationship trend is becoming very popular in Thai culture. If you come vacation or travel to Thailand, you will see it for yourself..The term Gik or *** refers to the person you are having an affair with in English I guess you would call this person your lover, however in Thailand being a *** doesnt necessarily mean you have sexual relations with the person you are a *** to. Its more like a companion for when youre feeling lonely and/or just want to go out and have fun.But for me, I not happy when it not come to sexual relation was well, it makes me feel bad,like my *** dont like me. Most Girls yes, but me, i am natural horney,so for me its a must to have good sexual relation as well.Sabainoi (means feel a little good sabainoi )
The advantage of having a *** as Man, you are not in reponisbility, you have your freedom of live and never hear storys and problems and a *** give you full compensation.
That is the livestyle Nok is living. No boyfriend,no jealous husband, but Kiks.
Kiks taking care me,loving me and give freedom. and i real horney girl surprise you with very good sex and fun, in compensation. when i have *** , tht means " i have the pussy,so i make the rules" , but i give him big compensation for the support you give.
Try ,it out..........you will be surprised , wht good feeling an thaikik can give......... sweatnok thaikik